Best Pottery Wheel for Beginners

Best Pottery Wheel for Beginners — How to Choose a Pottery Wheel in 2023

There are various pottery techniques you can use to start practicing the craft. There’s hand-building, slip casting, and the method that we’ll be using today — wheel throwing. Wheel throwing is perfect for beginners because it takes away the pressures of hand-building, but at the same time, still offers you some level of challenge to […]

How Much is a Pottery Wheel

How Much is a Pottery Wheel? Quick Guide to Buying Your First Pottery Wheel

Buying a pottery wheel requires serious thought – especially if it’s your very first one. However, with the number of available pottery wheels in the market, you’d be hard-pressed not to feel overwhelmed or even intimidated when choosing the best one for yourself.  That’s understandable. Pottery wheels come in different sizes, makes, and budgets. And […]

How to Get Started in Pottery: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

If you’re planning to get into pottery, deciding how and where to start can be difficult to pinpoint. This is especially true for people who have absolutely no background in the craft. Luckily, we’re here to make the process a bit easier for you. Whether you plan to recreate that scene with Patrick Swayze in […]