Best Pottery Classes in Houston, TX in 2021

Best Pottery Classes in Houston, TX in 2023

Houston is an exciting art city, bustling with lots of cultural and creative activities to enjoy. Just take a trip to the Houston Museum District, and you can choose from 20 museums to visit. Then there’s the Houston Theater District, the only other American city to offer more theater seats beyond New York.  Among the […]

The Best Pottery Classes In Los Angeles, CA (2021)

The Best Pottery Classes In Los Angeles, CA (2023)

Los Angeles is known for many things: sandy beaches, the entertainment industry, celebrities, and vibrant nightlife. But most importantly, LA is the country’s leading artistic center with over a hundred museums, more than 23,000 art jobs, and of course, people who live and breathe art.  Whether it be films, photography, painting, opera—you name it—you will […]

Pottery Decorations

Pottery Decorations – 10 Ceramic Decoration Techniques

Pottery is an ancient craft and decorating techniques are just as old. If you are looking for ways to customize your creation, or perhaps you’re aiming to improve your own ceramic decorating skills, then you’ve stumbled into the right article! Today, we will talk about different ways you can decorate your ceramic masterpiece. And guess […]

Raku Pottery - A Beginner’s Guide to Making Raku

Raku Pottery – A Beginner’s Guide to Making Raku

To find your niche in pottery, we advise potters to try out as many methods as possible. However, mainstream pottery techniques can be intimidating, especially with their high-temperature firing. That is why we recommend raku as a way to edge into pottery! Since it is a low-temperature method of pottery that’s used to create decorative […]